Woohoo! You booked a family session! Maybe you're on top of things and do family portraits every year or maybe this is your first time! Here are our tips to prepare for your session!
Outfits - Plan outfits at least a week ahead. If you need help coordinating, feel free to email us pictures! We're happy to help! Don't wait until the last minute. There could be a wardrobe malfunction or little Johnny says his shorts are itchy. . . Plan outfits early! Make sure everything fits, looks good and the kids are happy!
Sunscreen - Most of our family sessions are families that are on vacation. Vacation equals beach. . . Which also equals possible sunburn. I totally understand vacation mind takes over and we forget things, but PLEASE don't forget sunscreen. Sunburn does not look good in family portraits and it's not always possible to fix. Use sunscreen and don't forget to reapply. (Bonus tip: if you or your family are prone to sunburn, book your session earlier on during vacation just in case)
Be Practical - Depending on where you decide to have your session, think about the environment. Perfectly curled hair isn't ideal for a beach session. Heels are not ideal for Historic Savannah due to cobblestone roads and brick sidewalks. Feel free to bring hair ties and clips in case of wind, sweat or just a different look.
Fed & Rested - We love to schedule sunset sessions, which means shoots can start a little later, interrupting dinner and/or bed time. Make sure everyone is fed, rested and happy prior to the shoot starting. That could mean adjusting nap time, dinner time or offering a snack.
Talk to the Kiddos - While you don't want to overwhelm them, tell the kids what you are going to do before arriving to your session. I've also seen a lot of parents have success with telling the kids about the photographer prior so they don't get stranger danger. That way, when they arrive they are comfortable. The kids get there and want to see pictures of my puppy, Frank, and it's the cutest thing.
Rewards - Sometimes humans work better with snacks and/or rewards. I am one of those humans and so is my 4 year old. Don't be afraid to bring a (not messy) snack like fruit snacks or cheerios to the session. You can also offer a reward at the end of the session if they do well. Most of our families go for ice cream after!
Temporary Isn't Always Temporary - We all love them! They're fun. . . just not in portraits that you want in your home for years to come. . . Temporary Tattoos. Please do not put temporary tattoos on yourself or your family prior to the session.